Kornati EN

National Park Kornati

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In the central part of the Croatian Adriatic, in the Šibenik and Zadar town, there is a separate and amazing group of islands named Kornati. Because of the beauty, interesting geomorphology, indented coastline and rich marine life, in 1980. most of the Kornati archipelago was declared a national park.

Today the National Park “Kornati” occupies an area of ​​220 km2 and includes 89 islands, islets and rocks, with approximately 238 km of coastline. Despite this relatively large number of islands, the land area of ​​the park makes less than 1/4 of the total area, while the rest of the marine ecosystem. Kornati NP “Kornati” is often in tourist publications referred to as “nautical paradise”. Indeed, “slalom” between 89 cruise unforgettable islands, islets and reefs – as there are in NP “Kornati” – you’ll try out all of their nautical skills and abilities, especially if you and the time that “help”. For a cruise you do not need anything special except for tickets.

Visit NP “Kornati” and not dive into the underwater world, it is almost a sin. Qualified divers autonomous in this sense, in a privileged position: they can enjoy those values ​​for which (among other things), and the area was declared a national park. For those others, who do not have a diving qualification, we recommend using masks and snorkels still peep into the blue depths of pure and breathable Kornati sea, because the surface is much to see unforgettable. For snorkeling (diving without autonomous diving equipment) does not require any special license, visit a dive using autonomous diving equipment should be done only in organized groups and approved .

Pakostane from neighboring islands depart numerous tourist boats, so that you can meet in Kornati unforgettable cruise.